Attendance at Women in Business Expo
Lovetts Solicitors recently attended the 2019 Women in Business Expo – an annual gathering described as “a clarion call to all women looking for business and back to work opportunities.” The event was extremely well attended, and included presentations from a programme of leading UK female speakers.
Held at the Farnborough International Conference and Exhibition centre, the event provided a local perspective on the current issues associated with increasing the number of women involved in UK business, particularly in senior positions.
Amongst the speakers, Baroness Karren Brady spoke candidly about the setbacks professional women can face when progressing in their career, telling the room: “We [need] to raise women’s aspirations and present real opportunities”. She also emphasised that that childcare concerns, including costs, remain a major setback to advancing women.
Taking part in local – as well as national – women in business events is something that the firm feels particularly strongly about. This time last year, Cassandra McCarthy spoke at a Business Women in Surrey (BWiS) event focused on flexible working in modern business.
You can find out more about the Women in Business Expo here.