Lovetts Solicitors becomes a founding member of Mental Health Leaders Network

UK & International Debt Recovery specialists, Lovetts Solicitors are pleased to announce that they are a founding member of Oakleaf’s Mental Health Leaders Network.

In recent months, Oakleaf launched a new network of Mental Health Leaders. Lovetts has had the pleasure of being a founding member along with several other companies whom have a shared commitment to continuous improvement of workplace mental health. Although this is predominantly with regards to workplace mental health, at Lovetts we are hopeful that our team can take away skills that can be used outside the workplace as well.

Oakleaf are a mental health charity, based in Guildford. Oakleaf provide work-related training, wellbeing activities and counselling services to their clients with the aim to boost confidence and reshape their lives subsequently improving their mental health. These activities all help to assist with teaching ways in which you can manage your mental health in the future. Oakleaf have continued to work throughout the pandemic to minimise self-isolation. They are currently supporting in excess of 375 individuals to adopt confidence and a sense of empowerment.

The Mental Health Leaders Network has been created with the aim of bringing businesses in Surrey together who have the shared desire to improve the mental wellbeing of their employees as well as being committed to supporting Oakleaf. Benefits of joining the network include gaining an abundance of knowledge from not only Oakleaf but other businesses and how they have, first hand, dealt with different situations that we ourselves may not have experienced. It is a great opportunity to network, raise awareness and make a difference within the local community.

Within the network there are 13 founding members with plans to expand without reaching a capacity to where the core values become clouded. We will have quarterly meetings whereby we have an expert talk, discussions with other members and take part in activities where we will have the opportunity to learn and develop our existing skills that relate to assisting with workplace mental health. Specific mental health issues such as depression, stigma, suicide, anxiety and many more will be covered in virtual sessions that we will have the option to take part in.

Detailed in Deloitte’s 2020 case refreshment of the Stevenson-Farmer review we were able to learn that only 9% of employees that were surveyed, and 13% of all managers, have attended training that focused solely on mental health. This follows that 62% of managers said that they have had to put the interests of their organisation above their staff wellbeing either sometimes, regularly or everyday.

To learn more about the Mental Health Leaders Network and how you can join to become a member, Oakleaf have a page dedicated on their website which has, enclosed, all of the details. Click here.

25 January 2022