Lovetts featured in Credit Management Magazine

Lovetts Solicitors is featured in this month’s edition of Credit Management magazine, in an article looking at the firm’s attendance of a recent Federation of Small Business (FSB) Roundtable hosted by the association’s National Chairman, Mike Cherry OBE.
The advertorial piece was run to coincide with Lovetts’ ‘Free LBAs in November’ campaign, which offers both existing clients and new sign-ups the opportunity to send free Letters Before Action (LBAs) throughout the month.
In addition to supporting the Prompt Payment Code over many years, the firm has previously collaborated with the Federation of Small Businesses to promote the importance of prompt invoice payment for SMEs (Small-to-Medium sized enterprises) and offer advice on how small businesses can optimise their credit management procedures. The recent event provided an opportunity to update the group on best practices within the wider context of how the FSB can successfully support small businesses going forward.
“We work with companies of all size and sector, from FTSE 100 organisations down to independent businesses with less than ten employees.” says Charles Wilson FCICM, Chairman of Lovetts. “Despite progress in recent years in legislation and the debt recovery sector, and the relentless mission of organisations like CICM and FSB, we still find that not all businesses are clear about the debt recovery process.”
“It’s a shame. Educating themselves on the current regulations and best practice processes is particularly important for smaller businesses, where cashflow is their operational lifeblood. As always, we were delighted to sit down with the FSB and provide input in this area.”
The article, which was originally run on the Lovetts website, can be viewed in full here.